Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ripon 28 Clintonville 24...whew!

Hey folks hope its all going well. The Tigers started the season last night and it was a game of hope. You lost a ton of seniors from the year before, Soda is out with an injury, would the new faces on the offensive line be able to dominant as they have in years past? All questions we as the media and you as the fans all had. Some of them were answered, some of them still left out there to wonder again. Let's get it going like this:

Offensive Line: First half I wasn't quite sure what was going on out there, they got it together a little more in the second half and overall think they did a good job.

QB: It's Scott Gillespie! I don't have to worry a whole lot, Scotty did have a lot of nice scrambles out there though.

Backfield: Chase Hanson, Justin Baker had some good yardage. Do I think some senior leadership and varsity knowledge from a guy like David Soda would help? A little bit, but make no bones about it Hanson and Baker got the job done. Baker went done with an injury in the game, Coach Kelm said it shouldn't be a problem.

Defensive Line: I would have loved to seen a few more people break through and put a hand on the quarterback. Clintonville's QB is a helluva an athlete so I realize he is tough to catch.

Linbackers: I thought Beck, Schnell-Harrison, and Schroeder did a good job in the middle, not to many balls given up in the flat so job well done.

DB's: First half was rough for these guys but the last series of the game they managed to put three tipped balls together in a series. The last series Scott Gillespie picked up a roll of DB (Shades of Adam Vogelsang running through my mind)

Biggie's POG's - Kramer and Bob went with Chase Hanson and Justin Baker which are both fine candidates for the POG but I have a few more. 1. The Left Side of the Offensive Line - Nice Work. 2. I saw some good stuff out of senior Kyle Keller working in the trenches . 3. JJ Rank nice solid game from the senior.

Random Notes On Game (RNOG's) - The field at Clintonville is not stellar when you go there for hoops in the winter please donate to the new field fund. Sideline reporting is a lot of extra work for us here at the radio station but worth it immensely. Our broadcast team reached six on-air talents last night. Aaron Kramer - Bob Lukoski - Jason Mansmith - Statistician Howard Hansen - Halftime Analyst Ron Ernst - Head Coach Rick Kelm. That is a lot of people on the air. I do apologize for some of the audio issues the PA was bleeding through our system so we were having some issues with it but it will be fixed by the next road game. While there may be six people on the air talking during the course of a game, the person who makes it happen is only one. We say THANKS SO MUCH to Sarah Kesich back on the board, if you only knew half the work she does on a game you would throw in the towel. Between commercials, internet, highlites, trivia callers, and lots more we are blessed at AM 1600 WRPN to have someone like her on the board. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Never ride in the car with the Mayor and Howie as you end up BS'ing so much you end up in Weyweuga before you realize you missed your turnoff to go to Clintonville.

And because I always like to end on a musical note this space here will be reserved for my Top 3 songs of the week I have been listening to:
  1. Akon & Eminem - Smack That
  2. Jibbs - Chain Hang Low
  3. Motorhead - R.A.M.O.N.E.S

That's all for today. Until next time.....Rock on! \m/

1 comment:

Aaron Kramer said...

Dear Biggie:

As for taking the wrong turn on the way to the game, I did say for the record that when I get on a plane I don't tell the pilot how to get to the next stop. At least we made it.

The Mayor