Sunday, September 24, 2006

Two blogs in three days...are you feeling alright

Yeah I'm feeling just fine. I had some random free time on a Sunday morning to crank one of these out. So a recap of the weekend rolls like this

Ripon 42 vs. Winneconne 6 - Well the first half was enjoyable. While down on the sideline I thought the coaches of the Wolves were just happy that it wasn't worse. A well played game from the Tigers as they get set for the Homecoming matchup with WLA.
  • Random sidenote: Ahh yes homecoming. The fun and games of homecoming. Decorating halls, different dress up days, getting ready for the dance, float building, a big Friday morning breakfast, the parade, tailgate party, and game Friday night. More importantly the TP, pumpkin smashing, staying out all night Thursday night getting in a 5:45am and then trying to go to school the next day, that is what I remember about Homecoming. I plead the 5th on TP'ing the High School and 5 heads of lettuce and a three man slingshot.

RC 31 IC 21 - Nice job by the Red Hawks by moving to 3-0 in the MWC. Defense has been huge for Ron Ernst and his players. A lot of interceptions for scores. I think a lot of people after the RC vs. UWO game were like oh boy this could be a long season, but they have turned it around nicely

Wisconsin/Michigan: Tough one for bucky but a poor offensive performance is the reason why. 54 yards rushing. OUCH.


Biggie's Music Pick of the Week

Chicken noodle Soup Dance

I love this video

Until Next Time...Rock on \m/

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